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Drama 1  (9-12)  Yearlong
This class is open to ALL students at MVHS. No prior experience is necessary. It is a great class for students who want to improve their public speaking skills, be introduced to theatre for the first time and deepen their knowledge of all areas of theatre.Unlike most middle school theatre classes, the Drama 1 class does not culminate in a production for the public. There are no rehearsals or performances outside of class time. No fees are requested, but participation in the department fundraisers is encouraged.

Drama 2/ 3  (9-12)  Yearlong

This class is open to students who have completed Drama 1. Students study styles of acting and the history of the theatre from the Greeks to Modern playwrights. Students perform in  a children's theatre show for invited elementary school students for the public. They are also invited to participate in theatre festivals during the year. Rehearsals outside of class time are required.

IB Theatre HL 1 (11,12) Yearlong Honors Credit 

This class is open to students who have completed Drama 2/3. Students study acting techniques through monologue and scene study. Modern plays are studied and analyze with the emphasis on American theatre.  They are required to participate in theatre festivals during the year. Rehearsals outside of class time are required. 

IB Theatre HL 2/ SL (12) Yearlong Honors Credit 

This class is open to students who have completed IB Theatre HL 1 Students study acting theorists, directing techniques and devised theatre companies. Plays studied and analyzed are on from World theatre.  IB students complete four assessments: Solo Performance Project, Director's Notebook, World Theatre Presentation, and a Collaborative Process Project. They are required to direct a one act play and participate in theatre festivals during the year. Rehearsals outside of class time are required.

Play Production (10-12) Fall Semester

This class is by audition only for students in Drama 2/3, IB Theatre HL1 and HL2. Students prepare and perform in a full length play production for the public. This class is offered period 7 and requires rehearsals outside of class.

Musical Theatre/Dance Production (9-12) Spring Semester

This class has open auditions for ALL STUDENTS. Students prepare and perform in a full length musical production for the public. This class is offered period 7 and requires rehearsals outside of class. Students may take the class for PE  or Elective credit. 

Stagecraft (9-12) Semester Class offered in Fall and Spring

This class is open to ALL STUDENTS. Students prepare technical aspects of the theatre productions and participate in the crew positions. 

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