CETA (California Educational Theatre Association)
Festival cancelled due to Covid
3rd Place Orange County Area - Clue!
2020-2021 Virtual
CETA (California Educational Theatre Association)
1st Place OC, 4th Place State - "For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls" - One act
2nd Place OC, 4th Place State - "The Triangle Factory Fire Project" - Full length
Judges Superior Award for Triangle Factory Fire Project Tech Team (Tech Category)
Judges Superior Award for Caleb Smith for Triangle Factory Fire Project (Graphics)
Judges Superior Awards for Lily Ohman and Preston Veravanich for The Triangle Factory Fire Project and For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls (Acting)
DTASC (Drama Teachers Association of Southern California) - Virtual Festival
5th Place - Costumes/Make-up design - Triangle Factory Fire Project
Honorable Mention- Graphic/Publicity - Triangle Factory Fire Project
Honorable Mention -Original Scene - STOP by Avery Ackerman
Honorable Mention - Scene - A Doll's House, Part 2
OC Artistic Merit Award - "The Unloved"
1st Place Scene - "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged"
Choreography - "The Unloved" - Jacob Beaver, Kaylia Pham
All Star Cast Award for Acting - Jacob Beaver, McKennzie Norris
Director's Choice Award - Sophia Berry, Liam Shannon
Adjudicator Award - Liam Shannon, Jacob Beaver, Kaylia Pham, Kayla Holiday, Logan Booth, McKenzie Norris, Kenny Cook, The Heartbreakers, The Unloved
CETA Scholarship Award - Ethan Cox
Adjudicator Acting Awards "The Crucible"- Ethan Cox, Emily Boyer, Jenna Bowman, Rachael Golkin, Charlie Massey
Technical Award -"The Crucible" Lighting, Set